Spiritual Organisations

Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham (AMOSS)

AMOSS is a spiritual organization of the Indian Orthodox Church working to give instructions to the altar boys of all parishes in the Indian Orthodox Church to make uniformity in the worship of the church and to serve systematically. It also aims to mould people who have God’s grace and are dedicated to follow a spiritual and sacramental life.

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (MMVS)

Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM (Youth))

The Diocesan Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM-UK EU AFR), the Youth-wing of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, is in its 11th year of active leadership and Christian witness for the Church and society. It contributes to the goodness and progress of the Church and community in the three-fold path of worship, study, and service. It aims at moulding the minds and visions of the youth against the background of contemporary issues.

Orthodox Syrian Sunday school Association of the East – UK-Europe and Africa (OSSAE-UEA)

The Orthodox Syrian Sunday School Association of the East – UK-Europe and Africa (OSSAE-UEA) is a spiritual organization functioning within the Diocese of UK-Europe and Africa. OSSAE-UEA is geographically included in the Overseas Region of OSSAE and is directly affiliated to Orthodox Syrian Sunday School Association of the East (OSSAE). It’s objective is to nurture children to gain fundamental knowledge of the Orthodox Christian faith and tradition as well as Biblical knowledge for their spiritual growth. Sunday School teachers play a pivotal role in meeting the objectives of the OSSAE not only from a traditional perspective but also from a holistic point of view to help children to understand the Christian way of knowing the world and its creator in order to lead a successful life.